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Our clients have included The Guardian newspaper, The BBC and The United Nations along with regular people who want to change their lives and find a new career or creative outlet.
There is nothing else like this anywhere in the world.
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Our Latest Courses

We have recently launched two new one-day courses in New York, "How to Start Your Own TV Channel” and “How to Pitch and Sell a TV Series”. Listening to feedback from our members we knew that these were two areas where you wanted more help and guidance. Until quite recently it wasn’t possible to have your own TV network unless you had substantial financial backing, but the Internet has changed that. And the idea of pitching and selling a TV series to a network was only for established production companies, but now anyone can make a pitch reel. Here are all details about these new courses. Let us know if you’d like to be notified when the next dates are available.
How To Start Your Own TV Channel
There was a time not so long ago when the idea of starting and owning your own TV channel was limited to media companies and billionaires. The entry fee was about $500 million, and that was just for the ‘starter’ kit. Today, all that has changed thanks to the convergence of two technologies: The Internet and the smart phone. Today, the Internet can put your ‘channel’ into 3 billion homes for free. You don’t need Time/Warner, you don’t need Comcast, you don’t need Cable. All you need is access to the web, an idea and a smart phone. Probably, you have all three. In this one-day seminar we will teach you everything you need to know to get started. What cable did to broadcast, the Internet is now going to do to cable. But,as always, the best real estate belongs to those who get there first.
How To Pitch And Sell A TV Series
There are more than 2,000 cable and satellite channels in the US and more than 40,000 worldwide And they all need content 24 hours a day. Where are they going to get it from? It could be you. In fact, it should be you. The global demand for cable and satellite programming is now a mind-boggling 20 million hours a year, and that is just in the US. In this one-day hands-on seminar we are going to teach you all you need to know about the market, and about how to create the perfect pitch reel, the best vehicle for selling your content to the world.

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"I was astonished at how simple it was to pick up a camera and learn to use it in a proper way." Amy
"It really surpassed all of my expectations." Rob
"I went from full-time print reporter and sometimes video journalist to being full-time video journalist to sometimes print reporter." Nyier