Daryn Kagan Coming At You

Daryn Kagan's Video Life After CNN

Posted June 18, 2019
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Daryn Kagan had a long and very successful career on air at CNN (and also RLTV, as I recnetly discovered).

She always worked with a crew and a producer and an editor.

She left CNN with a pretty good idea of a business venture she wanted to do, and like almost any business now, it needs video. She set up her own website,  DarynKagan.com.  which deals with positive stories. Now's she's launching a new online travel business,  MilesHusband.com. Check them both out.

Even though she had vast experience in conventional TV, she was, in many ways, illiterate in the basics of how to make and produce a great video story.

She had always relied on someone else.

All that changed when she took our 4-day video producer's bootcamp.

The piece you see above, she shot, edited and produced in one day.

And all on her phone.

She also shot a 4:1 ratio - pretty close to what we like. She in effect, understood the story she wanted to tell BEFORE she shot a frame of video.

That's what makes this work. 

Now, she's off and running on her travel business. It's going to have a lot of video and she is going to find lots of customers for it.

Today, on our live interactive session, we are going to talk about how to take the skills of making a great video and turn them into $$$

Tune in. 


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