
Equipment: Vimeo App for MacOS

Posted April 12, 2018
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Video publishing platform Vimeo has released a new desktop app for Apple computers on the Mac App Store. The app will allow you to directly export video from Final Cut Pro X to your Vimeo page, seamlessly integrating the software to your account to allow for very high-quality exports. The app processes ProRes videos, manages your uploads, allows you to share videos with individuals or the public, and all without interrupting your post workflow. 

Vimeo has never had the same amount of popularity or wide appeal as YouTube, but it has always seen that as a badge of honor than a liability. Vimeo brands itself as the professional's YouTube. When something is on Vimeo, so they claim, it is of higher quality than YouTube. Whether that is the case or not is up to you to decide. YouTube may be the world's second most popular search engine, but with YouTube, you never really know what you're going to get, with Vimeo they try to curate a bit more with their popular Staff Picks and other showcase options. Additionally, Vimeo has slightly better privacy settings making it better for private sharing with team members or clients for review.

The app continues with this professional mindset. It allows you to privately collaborate with your team and clients all from the app with an amazing tool that lets you replace versions of your videos to keep up with your progress and new cuts, embed videos on other sites, and track your video analytics. Additionally, the App supports 4K Ultra HD with HDR support, various organizational tools, and, best of all, no ads on the app or your videos (what really separates Vimeo from YouTube).

You can download the app from the Mac App Store.

Learn more about social media platforms for video in our Social Media Platforms Course.

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