image courtesy @pastryplate

Hey, Joe Biden - Wake Up!!

Posted March 30, 2020
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My 93-year old father in law is a lovely man

He served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War.

Yet, he is still remarkably technically proficient for his age.

Lisa has taught him to order groceries online. He texts and he can on occasion facetime.

Pretty good for 93.

When we first showed him how to email us, he was delighted at the new technology, and took to it. He emailed regularly. Once, when we were at his home in England, I noticed a yellow legal pad next to his computer.  He had an interesting way of emailing. Before he touched the keyboard, he would write out his email long hand on the legal pad, and when it was perfected, he would then transpose it to email on his computer and hit send.

I was reminded of this today when I saw, for the first time, Joe Biden's "Here's The Deal" podcast.

This is Joe Biden's foray into social media.

It's like my father in law's.

Charming for a 77 year old man. 

And that's about it.

In this podcast, Joe does an interview with Joe Klain, a remnant from the Obama Adminstration.

See how long you can listen.  Prizes for those who make it to the end.

But here's the good news! 

The podcast can be "uploaded regularly" whatever that means, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 8PM ET.

Well isn't that great.

I bet even Lisa's father can figure that one out.

The problem is that while Joe is 'regularly appearing' 5 times a week for an hour each- Donald Trump is regularly appearing every 30 seconds.

Will someone please clue Joe and his team in on how social media, and in particular, how video works in the year 2020?

Hey Joe

Get out your iPhone

Turn it on

Talk to it.

Get on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube etc..

Do it all the time

Many years ago, Lisa and I paid $10,000 a plate to attend a fundrasiing dinner for Hillary Clinton.

For your 10 grand you got about 3 minutes with Hillary.

When we had our 3 minutes, we told her that her online video presence was terrible.

"You should be on YouTube!" we said.

She snapped her fingers and we were soon talking to Huma Abedain.

"You should be all over YouTube," we told her

Huma wrote it down.


Not much has changed. 



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