How to Create a Stunning Editing Demo Reel

Posted April 10, 2018
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New on the site this week is a lesson on how to create a stunning video editing demo reel. If you want to work as a freelance video editor, you'll need a reel to show prospective clients. 

Last week we took you through how you can start working as a freelance video editor and the first step in that process is putting together a reel. This may seem like a daunting task, but it is really as simple as 6 easy steps. All you have to do is pick a killer song (rights free if you are going to put your reel on the web), pick your killer shots, edit the clips to the music, add transitions and your name, and then share it away with clients and on social media.

In our newest lesson, we'll take you through each of these steps and guide you towards making your editing reel. The reel should be slick and smooth to highlight your skills as an editor. This is to show you off and make people want to hire you, so you have to make sure that not only is it edited well, but that the footage you are using is great as well. It's like a personal sizzle reel, you want people to watch it and instantly think: I need to hire that person! We can help you get there!

If you want to brush up on any of your editing skills you can refresh, or learn a new software, in our editing section


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