
How to Make Money on YouTube

Posted August 11, 2017
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Making money on YouTube is difficult.

Generally the ad sharing program that YouTube offers is terrible for creators and you really only hear about the super popular YouTube stars making serious cash, but there are some ways that you can get a bigger piece of the pie.

YouTuber Justin Odisho takes us through some ways that you can turn out some revenue.

Here are the ways he talked about in the video:

Adsense - YouTubes ad share program for pre-roll ads and banner ads. This way though dosn't turn out too much revenue as 1,000 views will come out to about $1.

Affiliates - You sign up for an account with another site like Amazon, you can do product placement and earn a small commission on the product you link to.

Products - This is probably the best way that you can make money with your videos. Product sales make up a huge portion of revenue and transactions on the web. If you sell a product to a dedicated audience that's all cash for you and you don't need to split it with YouTube or other sites.

Services - Similar to products but if you are offering services rather than a product.

Sponsorships - This is where you can get some serious cash. Once you have a dedicated following for your videos you can try and get sponsors for your content who want to reach your audience. This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to have a huge audience, but a dedicated one will work as well. The key here is to identify your niche, and find a sponsor within that niche. That way, you can say that you have an audience dedicated to a certain affiliation group that a sponsor or advertisor may want.


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