Spectrum News 1 Texas MMJ Niki Griswold

Let The Story Breathe

Posted June 18, 2020
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Niki Griswold is an MMJ with Spectrum News 1 in Texas.

Last week she took one of our week long virtual video storytelling bootcamps and shot a lovely story about two professional ballet dancers in Austin who are coping with the Covid lockdown.

They are continuing to dance, but in their small apartment - with their dog.

The story is great, as are the visuals - all shot with an iPhone, as usual.

Take a look at the pointing on toes!

BUT - small differences in editing and pacing can make an enormous difference in the story.

Take a look at the two versions here.


In the first, the narrative is breathless and unrelenting - a problem we often find in local TV news stories. It's the Breaking News! mentality.

Now take a look at the recut.

Notice how she lets the story breathe.

So much better.



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