No Lights!

Posted March 13, 2020
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When I was working with CBS, the crew used to schlep around a massive 3 point light kit.

They also put sun guns on the massive betacams that they carried on their shoulders - like taking along a refirgerator.

This notion of having to light everything was a product of the original technology of field video. The old tube cameras did need lights.

iPhones don't.

The technology was designed so that anyone could shoot their kid's birthday party with just the lighting from the candles on the cake.

In this story, Spectrum1 Los Angeles MMJ Itay Hod shot this story, on an iPhone, - without lights.

We don't like lights

We don't like sun guns

We think that the scene should look the way it looks in real life.

If it's a dark and moody bar, it should be a dark and moody bar.

Not look like someone drove their Ford F-150 into the bar and turned on their headlights. 

The iPhone is an amazing tool, and in the right hand,s with the right training, it can produce wonderful stories


On a phone


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