FCP X Plugin

The Blast: 7 Essential Effects Plugins for Final Cut Pro

Posted May 09, 2017
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Plugins for your editing software of choice can make your life a lot easier. Whether it's color correction, or some other video effect, you can spend ages trying to get that perfect look, when you could just get a plugin from the Internet. A plugin is an additional piece of software that works with your editing software. These plugins can be an effect, a coloring style or something else. The people at The Blast, a tech blog for ShutterStock, have compiled a list of 7 essential effect plugins for Final Cut Pro.

On the list: 

mTransition Plugin Pack

A pack of transitions that goes way beyong the included ones of FCP X.

Audio DeNoise

A tool for removing background noise from an audio clip.


A plugin that gives you a variety of ways to put vertical video into your project aside from just the black bars on the side.

The list has four more great choices so check it out here from .


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