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The Guardian: HuffPo’s new chief on the ‘post social’ mobile era

Posted December 08, 2015
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"Under the dynamic and attention-grabbing leadership of Arianna Huffington, the Huffington Post led the spectacular rise of native digital news, partly thanks to a legion of unpaid bloggers. By 2012 it had also snagged a Pulitzer, but in the fickle new media world the excitement and – according to reports – US traffic is now shifting towards sharp-elbowed, freshly financed upstarts like BuzzFeed, Vice or Vox.

Jared Grusd, the 40-year-old new chief executive poached from Spotify four months ago, may need some of the stamina of his ironman triathlon training to maintain HuffPo’s reputation as a pack leader while keeping up with the relentlessly energetic Huffington, who remains president and editor-in-chief. At his first sit-down interview since taking charge, Grusd explains that HuffPo’s future will be global and played out in a new, largely mobile era he has dubbed “post-social”."

Read the whole aricle from The Guardian.


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