The Vlogging Minimalist, Just What Are Your Equipment Needs?
Posted September 18, 2018
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by member Paul Huebl
I met with my favorite Media Guru, Michael Rosenblum yesterday. He’s a long time TV producer and founder of TheVJ.com. Michael is giving 30 rookie Video Journalists their hands on training to cover news for Spectrum’s SOCAL-1, 24/7 news startup. I suspect there’s no doubt that this offering will shake up the L.A. news market in a big way.
Gone at SOCAL News1 are the news crews and the obscenely expensive TV gear. The news stories will either work or fail through the individual efforts of these hand picked youngsters. These lucky VJ’s will be seen by all manner of agents, producers and TV network decision makers. Those talented ones, that shine will have unlimited opportunities.
Spectrum has already done the same thing in NYC and this concept is spreading over the nation. Traditional TV news is in a death spiral over their insane fear of making the slightest changes in format or style. Frankly people have flocked to YouTube because their content is a huge departure into a new world of wonderful technology and real eye candy.
Storytelling today is enhanced with wonderful inexpensive user-friendly cameras, audio equipment, editing software and even drones! The Mainstream broadcast media and their overpaid news managers are being left behind in the dirt.
Vloggers like me will only have success if I post great content and promote it daily. That’s easier said than done. If I do that, I demand compensation now, not after six months or a year. My rent does not pay itself. I won’t be one of the dozens of YouTube multi-millionaires anytime soon. I will however be ready for the right opportunity.
The skills and abilities to vlog about whatever you like is beyond empowering! You can use a vlog to promote yourself, business, hobby or political ambitions. You can report news items you come across and so much more.
You must begin with the basics of good writing and storytelling abilities. You must snag your viewers right away with interesting video or you’re toast. When they leave they will not return.
You can easily spend $25K on vlogging equipment. I have what I need but I still want a lot more. Then there is that significant issue of lugging all that expensive crap around as you travel. I say go light!
Your editing suite can be as simple as a quiet place to use the incredibly powerful iMovie app on your cell phone or iPad. Using Final Cut Pro X on a laptop gives you more options but you can get very pleasing results with iMovie.
I like using GoPro cameras because of the versatility of the cameras and the high quality images. I may need my cell phone as a communication device so having the GoPro is a plus.
As for audio your iPhone or GoPro cameras can disappoint especially beyond let's say, six feet. I now use Zoom brand recorders to capture audio especially for interviewing subjects. I’ve not been using my expensive wireless microphones because they are less reliable than the simple Zoom recorders. Quality wireless microphones cost a bundle more than the terrific Zoom recorders.
I have one word to say about audio, redundancy. Better to have more sources than less.
Let me make this clear, if you’re lucky enough to be around a really important news happening and you’ve got viewable video documentation, you can demand as much as $100K for a one minute video.
VJ training can be obtained on line at Michael Rosenblum’s TheVJ.com or you can attend his class in NYC or the UK.
Be empowered and let the world see what you create!
My Minimalist vlogger kit is lightweight, easy for travel and a lifesaver. The best camera is always the one you have with you.
The list as pictured above:
DJI Mavic Pro Drone
Zoom Hn4 microphone recorder
Zoom Field Recorder 1
Lav mic
Zoom Shotgun mic capsule for use with Field Recorder 1
Below is a fun GoPro vlog I did during a trip to Chicago last February:
See more from Paul here.