Video of the Day: Kayaker Goes Down Waterfall With LED Lights

Posted February 07, 2017
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Today's video of the day shows us professional kayaker Brendan Wells paddling like no one has paddled before -- in the dark, alluminated only by LED lights on his body and kayak.

From video description:

The stunning moment kayakers paddle down a waterfall in the pitch black dark has been caught on camera.

Brendan Wells, 22, took the incredible footage while paddling down rapids on the White Salmon River and Outlet Creek in Washington State.

The professional kayaker can be seen snapping his brother, Todd, splashing water into the air with flashing bright LED lights as he makes his way through the rapids.

Brendan, who hopes to continue filming kayaking expeditions, said: “I paddle here with my brother on a regular basis and we have so much fun.

“With the help of friends, we attached LED lights to our kayaks, paddles, and our gear."



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