Video of the Day: Tulsa Man Steals Police Car and Live Streams it on Facebook
Posted November 02, 2016
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Today's video of the day comes to us from Facebook Live and warning, this video contains some graphic language. The video shows us the many live streams of a Tulsa man who goes live to broadcast a felony to the public. This has been a fear for live streams since they came out, that people would stream themselves doing bad things, but what is even more interesting is the fact that this man wanted to live stream himself committing a crime, and that people would want to watch it. While sites like Facebook have policies in place to prevent graphic video from going on too long, it is difficult to manage and police for Facebook -- as the service gets more popular, there are more streams to monitor in real-time. We live in a culture dominated by video and by social media and this video is just another example of how those intersect.