Red Bull is known for extreme sports video, and they are at it again. This time they have done it in full 360. Today's video of the day is a 360 video of wingsuit racing, a new extreme sport where people in wingsuits glide through an aerial course. It's kind of hard to explain so you'll just have to check it out for yourself.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to 360 and VR technology. This new technology is already very popular and is just at the stage when people are using it to similar ends that they would a normal camera or action camera. We are certainly excited to see what new things can be done with 360 and VR and how new ways of telling stories will be developed.
Sometimes when you are searching for something, the answer is right before your eyes.
For years, I have been looking for a new and powerful way to cover breaking news stories - and now, I think, I've got it.
When we run our video storytelling bootcamps for TV news organizations, our primary focus is on what we call ‘the viewer experience’. It is a given that the journalism is well researched and accurate, but if no one is watching; if there is no ‘audience engagement’ with the story, then you are in fact showing it to no one, which is tragic, and avoidable.