Bourdain, Travel Channel, Travel Video

Anthony Bourdain Changed Many Lives

Posted June 11, 2018
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The death of Tony Bourdain came as a shock to everyone with whom he came into contact over his amazing life.

I knew him briefly many years ago, when I had the priviledge of producing his very first series when I was running NY Times TV.

It was there that he met Chris and Lydia, who went on to found ZeroPointZero productions and worked with Bourdain for years, making all his shows.  They must be devastated.

But even those who did now know him personally were touched by his spirit and talent.  

One of those people is Michael Murphy.

Michael is a full time carpenter, married, with a lovely family, but his passion is the nexus of travel and video.  For years, he has traveled the world with his video camera, always paying his own way.  

I met him years and years ago, and have followed his career ever since. He never ceases to amaze me with his talent, his drive and his utter dedication to the craft.

On hearing word of Bourdain, Michael posted this on his FB page:

When I first started making videos, like Destination Unknown, I wanted them to be a cross between Rick Steves And Anthony Bourdain.
Thank you, Anthony, Without ever knowing it You helped make that dream come true
The world lost a kindred soul this week.

"You must first see the road less traveled before you can open your eyes to the world"

He has been to almost every county in the world, shooting, editing and posting video all the time.  

Michael Murphy never, of course, had the klnd of following, fame or fortune that Tony Bourdain was able to achieve, but that in no way detracts from the amazing experiences he has been able to have, and thanks to video, share with the world.

I see that thousands of people are leaving tributes to Tony oustide his old restaurant in NY, Les Halles.  The flowers and cards are great, but in a way, Michael Murphy's work and life are a real testiment to what Anthony Bourdain was able to achieve in life.  



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